Bambu Lab P1S
Introducing the Bambu Lab P1S, the ultimate 3D printer for all your printing needs. This compact and user-friendly printer is designed to deliver high-quality prints with precision and accuracy. With a large build volume of 256 x 256 x 256 mm, the Bambu Lab P1S allows you to bring your creative ideas to life on a larger scale. The seamless and intuitive interface makes it easy to operate, while the sturdy construction ensures durability and longevity. Whether you're a hobbyist, a professional, or an educator, the Bambu Lab P1S is the perfect 3D printer for all your projects.
Product Features
- Works right out of the box, set up in 15 minutes
- Well-polished hardware and software
- Enclosed-body for high-temperature filament printing
- Up to 20000 mm/s² acceleration, prints a benchy in 18min
- Build-in camera for remote monitoring and timelapse